The joy of spending a summer in Italy: Exploring Chianti by scooter (2005)
Welcome to FoodCultureTravels–a blog for people who love to eat, learn, explore cultures, and travel! This is a space where I share my photos and stories with a broader community–a community that you are now part of.
I write about wonderful food experiences, from agriculture and food processing, to food markets and preparation. But best of all, I share experiences of enjoying food and camaraderie at the table.
Tiny zucchini with flowers, just one of the joys of Italian food markets (2019)
Food is a cultural expression that is played out differently in every household and group. For me, travel is an essential part of exploring food and culture and I have worked hard to ensure that travel is a core part of my life.
I started a Blogspot blog during my Italy trips in 2008 and 2009, then in March 2011 in Rapallo, on a cold rainy day, I created a new blog using WordPress: “bellissimosentiero,” beautiful path in Italian. I migrated the older Blogspot posts to the new blog, and continued writing and posting my photos until 2015.
Once home from my Italy trips, work and busy-ness took over, and I didn’t feel like there was much of interest to post. I gradually began posting on Facebook and then Instagram, and stopped blogging altogether.
And now I’m back with FoodCultureTravels, and a crazy urge to travel! As I write in July 2020, the global corona virus/Covid-19 pandemic is raging, especially in my home state of Arizona, and travel won’t be happening soon. So until that glorious time I will be an “armchair traveler” and will share photos and stories of past food, culture, and travel experiences.
Please join me!
ciao, Connie